Field of scientific activity:
The clinical activity of the department includes treatment of malignant diseases using anticancer agents and radiation. There is also a modern research unit focusing on clinical trials and translation research combining cancer molecular features with clinical behaviour.
Main achievements:
The team has developed and validated a few novel tumour biomarkers (prognostic signatures based on molecular techniques) in lung cancer and breast cancer. Long-term collaboration with University of Colorado resulted in numerous publications in the field of predictive assays for the benefit from targeted therapies in lung cancer.
Scientific and service offer:
The department has its own Clinical Research Unit. The offer includes a wide range of investigations on new anticancer substances and radiotherapy techniques. The unit focuses on the development and validation of prognostic and predictive molecular assays with a real possibility of their implementation into the clinics.
International Projects:
2004: Translating molecular knowledge into early breast cancer management building on the BIG (Breast International Group) network for improved treatment tailoring – 6 FP – TRANSBIG
2006: Trans European Network for Clinical Trial Service – e-TEN – TENALEA
2009: Developing vocational skills in oncology through e-learning – Leonardo da Vinci – ONCOVIDEOS
2012: European Thoracic Oncology Platform – ETOP: LUNGSCAPE.
Commercialization and technology transfer:
I. Patent BP/72/09: ”Determination of the risk of distant metastases in surgically treated patients with non-small cell lung cancer in stage I-IIIA” (issued by the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland on 18 June 2012; international, US and EU patent pending)
II. Patent: “New markers and the method of determination of the risk of distant metastases in patients with non-small cell lung cancer in stage I-IIIA“ application at the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland (P. 394921) and USA Patent Office (serial no. US 13/474708.)
III. Patent #2011/0262,453 “Markers of assessing the susceptibility of cancer to IGF-1R treatment”
Contact details:
Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy
Prof. Jacek Jassem, M.D., Ph.D.
+ 48 58 349 22 41