Field of scientific activity:
The team’s main field of interest is research in participation of immunological system functionality disorders in chronic inflammatory diseases and aging processes. The group is one of few in Poland that deal with biogerontology issues – the study of the biological aspects of aging under good and bad health conditions. The newest methods within the range of experimental immunology, molecular and cell biology are used in searching for answers to questions about basic immunological aging mechanisms and pathomechanisms (potentially accelerating aging) of socially important diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus, chronic kidney disease, Alzheimer’s disease and some types of lymphocytic leukemias.
Main achievements:
Showing deficiency or lack of expression of some genes responsible for aging in the lymphocytes of people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and of healthy elderly people (including the “anti-ageing hormone” Klotho) belongs to the latest internationally published discoveries of the scientific group.
They have also detected presence of receptors for erythropoietin (agent that stimulates red blood cell production) on immunological system cells and proved their important regulative function. Yet another discovery by the group concerns the participation of proteolytic enzymatic system calpaincalpastatin activity disorder in the pathomechanism of chronic and acute of lymphoblastic leukemias. Techniques enabling early diagnose of rheumatoid arthritis, even before typical clinical symptoms appearances, have been elaborated. The latter studies, potentially leading to earlier and more effective treatment, are being the subject of patent application.
Scientific and service offer:
Early, preclinical differential diagnosis of rheumatic diseases, especially rheumatoid arthritis; Detection of modulatory effects of drugs etc. on lymphocyte proliferation. Activity evaluation of calpain/calpastatin system in various cell settings.
International Projects:
2011: The possible participation of the activity of calpain-kalpastatyny system in the aging process in human T cells – a comparison of long-lived Polish (Pomeranian) and Italy (Sicily)– HARMONIA – CALPACENT.
Chair and Department of Physiopathology
Prof. Jacek M. Witkowski, M.D., Ph.D.
+48 58 349 15 10