Field of scientific activity:
- Pharmaceutical science and related with it biological-chemical science;
- Usage of statistically proceeded information (by QSRR methods), contained in chromatographical data, in medicinal chemistry, molecular pharmacology, analytical chemistry and bioanalysis;
- Theory and practice of chromatographic analysis (HPLC) with its innovative usage for determination of lipophilicity of “drug candidates” and for modeling of drug-receptor interactions.
Main achievements:
- Multivariate statistical analysis of large files of chromatographic data has been a base for proposing the method of predicting typology of chromatographed compounds of pharmacological activity;
- The team have implemented a method of improvement of HPLC separations by the use of ionic liquids;
- Proving abilities to bind beta amyloid by some natural substances can be used in rational guiding for agents search useful in Alzheimer’s disease prevention. Furthermore, there has also been found a structural relationship that enables to foresee penetration by xenobiotics of the blood/brain barrier.
Scientific and service offer:
Advanced pharmaceutical analysis by use of UHPLC, HPLC, CE and GC hyphenated with mass spectrometry (MS). Metabolomic analysis in direction of discovery of new biomarkers of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
International Projects:
- Poland-China cooperation “Development of boronate affinity functionalized materials and their applications in metabolomics” (project no. 35-15, 2013-2015);
- Polish-Flemish cooperation “Study of the prediction possibilities concerning membrane passage of candidate drug molecules from chromatographic retention data and computed molecular descriptors” (BWS/05/03, 2006-2007).
Commercialization and technology transfer:
Patent application no. P. 386218, entitled: “The method of diagnosing genitourinary cancer”.
Contact details
Department of Biopharmacy and Pharmacodynamics
Prof. Roman Kaliszan, Ph.D., D.Sc.
+48 58 349 14 39